Endodontics: What Happens at a Root Canal Appointment?
At the root canal treatment appointment, whether it is an emergency visit or a regularly scheduled visit, the patient will be cared for by various members of a trained and professional team. A primary goal of the dental team is to make certain that the patient is comfortable physically and emotionally during every stage of treatment. In addition to relieving tooth pain, if present, the goals of endodontic treatment are to eliminate endodontic disease and move the patient towards a state of health. With modern endodontic techniques, these goals can generally be achieved. Root canal treatment may take one or more visits to complete and usually progresses through the following stages:
- The dentist reviews the findings and recommendations from the examination and consultation visit. If any additional radiographs are needed before starting treatment, they may be taken at this time.
- The patient is typically given a local anesthetic. With newer techniques and devices, these anesthetics can usually be administered painlessly. The tooth can be made "profoundly" numb so that the patient is completely comfortable during treatment.
- After achieving the required level of anesthesia, the dentist "isolates" the tooth using a "dental dam." This is a sheet of rubber material that fits over the tooth to be treated and forms a tight seal around it. The rubber dam serves to keep the saliva away from the area being treated and it also prevents the various disinfecting and cleaning solutions used during the procedure within the tooth from entering the mouth.
- After the tooth has been isolated, the dentist prepares a window (an "access" opening) through the biting surface of the tooth in order to gain access into the diseased root canal space.
- Once the access preparation is complete, the dentist begins to "clean" the root canal space by removing the diseased pulp tissue, bacteria, and related irritants. This is done using special solutions and small flexible instruments, called "files." The solutions penetrate and clean areas of the canal where the instruments cannot physically reach.
- As the root canal system is being cleaned, it is also being "shaped." Shaping is the process of enlarging the root canal space in such a way that it can be thoroughly cleaned and subsequently filled and sealed. A root canal space that is not properly shaped may still harbor bacteria.
- Following cleaning and shaping procedures, the root canal space is ideally filled and sealed in all its dimensions by a dentist. This is most commonly accomplished using a sealing cement in combination with a unique material called "gutta percha." Gutta percha is a special material that can be softened with heat and then pressure molded to precisely fill the root canal space.
- Once the tooth is three-dimensionally sealed, it is generally "provisionalized" (temporarily restored) until a more long-lasting protective restoration can be placed. A protective restoration helps minimize the chances of future tooth fracture.
By Clifford J. Ruddle, DDS, in collaboration with Philip M. Smith, DDS
Dental Visits - The Endodontic Examination Appointment
On most occasions, the endodontic examination and the endodontic consultation take place at the same visit. Most dentists prefer this. This section will look at each process separately.
What Is the Purpose of the Endodontic Examination?
The purpose of the endodontic examination is to determine the state of health of the pulpal tissues of a tooth or group of teeth. The dentist hopes to collect specific information to assist in diagnosis and treatment planning. During the examination portion of the visit, the dentist will:
- Review the patient's medical history and evaluate the patient's current medical status and in order to determine how it might influence the dental diagnosis and/or treatment plan.
- Review the patient's dental history and, in particular, its relationship to the specific reason for the visit, also called the "chief complaint."
- Perform a thorough clinical examination.
- Perform certain endodontic tooth tests to help establish an accurate diagnosis of the condition of the pulpal tissue.
- Perform a radiographic examination. Two or three different radiographic angles of the same area are often required to adequately visualize the various teeth, the root canal spaces within each tooth, and the surrounding bone and structures. Since a single radiograph is a two-dimensional picture of a three-dimensional object, two or more radiographs with different angulations can provide important additional information. Radiographs reveal many things that the dentist is unable to see with the clinical examination alone.
What Is the Purpose of the Endodontic Consultation?
The purpose of the endodontic consultation is to present a root canal treatment plan to the patient. Once the dentist has collected and evaluated all of the diagnostic information, the goals of the consultation visit are to:
- Share the examination findings and the resultant diagnosis with the patient.
- Discuss the prognosis.
- Discuss the treatment recommendations and any perceived complications.
- Discuss the treatment alternatives and their respective ramifications.
- Discuss the number and length of appointments necessary to complete the recommended treatment.
- Review the cost of the recommended treatment and the various treatment options.
- Answer questions that the patient may have regarding the diagnosis and various treatment options.
On occasion, the dentist may need to consult with other professionals or obtain additional information before all of the goals listed above can be accomplished.
By Clifford J. Ruddle, DDS, in collaboration with Philip M. Smith, DDS